Luca Gagliardelli

Luca Gagliardelli

Fixed-term Researcher

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia


I am a Fixed-term Researcher at the Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari”, where I am also part of Database Group (DBGroup).

My research interests lie in the area of data integration and big data management.

  • Data Integration
  • Big Data Management
  • PhD in Computer Science, 2019

    University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

  • MSc in Computer Engineering, 2015

    University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

  • BSc in Computer Engineering, 2011

    University of Modena and Reggio Emilia


  • [Jul ‘24] Our paper entitled “Stream-aware indexing for distributed inequality join processing” was accepted for publication in the scientific journal Information Systems. LINK
  • [Dec ‘23] I obtained from MUR (Italian Ministry for Universities and Research) the National Scientific qualification as associate professor in the Italian higher education for the disciplinary field 09/H1 – Information processing systems.
  • [Oct ‘23] Our paper entitled “GSM: A Generalized Approach to Supervised Meta-blocking for Scalable Entity Resolution” was accepted for publication in the scientific journal Information Systems.
  • [May ‘23] Our short paper entitled “HKS: Efficient Data Partitioning for Stateful Streaming” was accepted at DAWAK 2023.
  • [Dec ‘22] Our paper entitled “A Big Data Platform Exploiting Auditable Tokenization to Promote Good Practices inside Local Energy Communities” was accepted for publication in the scientific journal Future Generation Computer Systems.
  • [Oct ‘22] I received a research grant of 9200€ from the engineering department of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (FAR) for my research project about data cleaning.
  • [Apr ‘22] Our research paper entitled “Generalized Supervised Meta-blocking”, L. Gagliardelli, G. Papadakis, G. Simonini, S. Bergamaschi, T. Palpanas was accepted at VLDB 2022.


Program Committee Member

  • iiWAS 2023
  • DaWaK 2023
  • iiWAS 2022
  • DaWaK 2022
  • DaWaK 2021


  • Knowledge-Based Systems (KNOSIS)
  • ACM SIGMOD Availability 2023


Adjunct Professor

  • Since 2023
    • Business Intelligence @ UNIMORE DEMB, Master’s degree in International Management - Modena
  • Since 2020
    • Foundation of Databases (Basi di Dati) @ UNIMORE DIEF, Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering - Mantova
  • 2019
    • Foundation of Databases and Information Systems (Sistemi informativi e basi di dati), @ UNIMORE DISMI, Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Management - Reggio Emilia

Recent Publications

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(2024). A Novel Methodology for Topic Identification in Hadith. Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Information and Research science Connecting to Digital and Library science (formerly the Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries), Bressanone, Brixen, Italy - 22-23 February 2024.

PDF Cite

(2024). GSM: A generalized approach to Supervised Meta-blocking for scalable entity resolution. Information Systems.


(2024). Stream-aware indexing for distributed inequality join processing. Information Systems.


(2023). A big data platform exploiting auditable tokenization to promote good practices inside local energy communities. Future Generation Computer Systems.

Cite DOI
